Educate, Empower And Save Our Young African American Males



The goal is to save and empower our young, African-American men. Our purpose is to bring awareness to the astronomical amount of young lives that have been lost.
Chicago’s inner city has lost its way amongst its black boys and young men.  They have lost their positive role models and father figures. They have lost their true sense of a home structure. They have lost confidence in academics and law enforcement. Essentially, “The Block” has become their home. They put their trust into the streets. The other lost youth have become their family. However, that family has a low survival rate. That family dissipates with death and incarceration.
As a mother with a son, I am raising him to be the best man that he can possibly be. I am raising him to be a leader not a follower. I am raising him to NOT be a statistic. This is the vision of Save Our Sons.
Save Our Sons is much more than just words. 

Save Our Sons is a movement to create change and impact our young, black men in a positive manner. Help Save Our Sons from idle thoughts and negative influences. Help me raise these young men with Dreams into great men with Bright futures.

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Help And Dontate

Save Our Sons is dedicated to helping shape our youth. We want our children to reach their full potential. Each of our outstanding programs will benefit from your contributions, including tutoring, mentoring and team building workshops. All donations are tax deductible. Your donations will have a major impact on our community. Please clink the link below. We greatly appreciate your support.


Team Building



What we offer/Services

The goal is to save and empower our young, African-American men. Our purpose is to bring awareness to the astronomical amount of young lives that have been lost.

These kids require your help!